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Angelinos Scheme

Name: Angelinos Scheme

Client: Thames Water

Approximate Cost: £26,000,000


Prior to the start of this project, the town of Banbury was served from Angelinos Pumping Station (PS) via Milton Booster Station (WBS) using a single 27” pre-stressed concrete trunk main between these sites. This was the sole supply into this area, meaning a failure of this main, which was already showing signs of degradation and structural integrity issues, would result in a loss of supply to up to 31,700 properties in the North Oxfordshire area. The agreed solution was to install a new trunk main between Angelinos PS and Milton WBS, a chainage of 17.5km, to run alongside the existing 27” trunk main to provide resilience to the network. Cross connections between the two mains would be installed to facilitate repair and maintenance without disturbing supply, whilst also providing capacity to supply predicted 2040 demands to the downstream distribution network. The project scope covered the necessary modifications and upgrades at key Thames Water Assets along this route to facilitate the new main, including Angelinos PS, Milton WBS, Middle Aston Control Valve, Duns Tew Reservoir and Bretch Reservoir.

Our Role:

LJR Engineering worked on behalf of the Principal Contractor to provide MEICA project management and technical expertise across the duration of the project. During the design phase, LJR Engineering worked closely with the Principal Designer, Client and Contractors to produce the Mechanical and ICA design of the system. LJR Engineering also provided management and leadership of the full MEICA commissioning programme, including both trunk main commissioning and ICA/Software commissioning, working alongside the system integrator. Alongside this, we led the training programme for this project, producing training plans and manuals and leading sessions for both local operational staff as well as the remote SCADA operators who operate the network on a daily basis. For handover, LJR Engineering produced critical documentation including O&M manuals and Site Operating Manuals, as well as collaborating with the Principal Contractor and Client to ensure a smooth handover to operations.


LJR Engineering Project Services Ltd


Alan Cherry Drive




Tel: 01245 967520

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